This or That TikTok Effect House Template
Only works with Effect House older version 2.3 or lower
Are you looking to make a this or that style effect for TikTok using Effect House? This is the place to be. Two options show up for the user to tilt their heard left or right to select the answer. The answer stays constant while the other options cycles through options.
Here is what this template does:
- Question and two answers (left and right) show up on the head
- User needs to tilt their head left or right to select a question/answer
- The selected answer stays constant, and the other questions/answers cycle through existing options.
Watch this video for instructions on how to set it up:
To use the template you need these assets:
- Main Question Image
- Question/Answer Images (how many ever you want)
- Thumbnail Image
- The names don’t matter for question/answer images
- Thumbnail image is used when you are publishing the effect.
- Keep in mind that currently, the total effect size can't be more than 5 MB. You can do some compression magic but you might lose quality.
- Make your images 512 x 512 ( I couldn't really find the official answer, but that worked the best for me)
Watch the YouTube video for more instructions:
When you purchase the template, you will get all the necessary files to modify the template according to your vision. You are responsible for asset creation. It's super easy to publish the effect once you have all the necessary assets.
You will not get instructions on how to download the Effect House. Please refer to the official site.
TikTok Effect House Project Folder